FAE is the first European Company to achieve approval of BCR

Tue, 06/10/2020

The European Data Protection Board has approved the Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) presented by FAE

Fujikura Automotive Europe has received the honor to be the first Company to have it's Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) approved by the European Data Protection Board with the mediation of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

BCRs are the data protection policies established by the responsible of the treatment of said data to carry out international data transfers within the same group of companies between differente countries.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes in its recital 110 that "A group of undertakings, or a group of enterprises engaged in a joint economic activity, should be able to make use of approved binding corporate rules for its international transfers from the Union to organisations within the same group of undertakings, or group of enterprises engaged in a joint economic activity, provided that such corporate rules include all essential principles and enforceable rights to ensure appropriate safeguards for transfers or categories of transfers of personal data".

The resolution of the approval can be found in Spanish on the following link.



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